When most of us think about our oral health, our pearly whites are the first thing to come to mind—but your gums are just as important as your teeth! And if you neglect to give them the attention they deserve, consequences such as gum disease might follow. But what about children; are budding smiles still susceptible to issues like gum disease, or can youngsters be a little lax about their hygiene habits? Unfortunately, gum disease can and does impact children who don’t properly care for their smiles! Here’s what your trusted pediatric dentist wants you to know about gum disease in children, including some common symptoms along with some tips for preventing it.
(more…)Baldwin Family Dental Blog
Is It Possible for Children to Develop Gum Disease?
June 2, 2023
What Does It Feel Like to Have a Tooth Extracted?
May 2, 2023
If your dentist has recently suggested a tooth extraction upon examining your mouth, you may not know what to think. After all, parting with one or more of your pearly whites might seem scary, but believe it or not, your dentist is putting your oral health above all else! Keep reading to learn a little more about what to expect throughout the tooth extraction process so that you can head into it with confidence and poise.
(more…)Will Gum Disease Go Away After Teeth Are Removed?
April 13, 2023
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 50% of adults have gum disease. Although it is preventable, it is a leading cause of tooth loss. It can be treated during the earliest stage, but with no intervention, it can have devastating consequences for your smile. If you have advanced gum disease, you might think extracting your teeth will stop the infection, but it’s not the solution you’re looking for. Here’s what you need to know before removing your teeth.
Root Canals VS Tooth Extractions
March 9, 2023
If you are experiencing severe tooth pain due to an infected tooth, there are two treatments that may be recommended to remedy the issue: root canal therapy or tooth extraction. Left untreated, a severely infected tooth can cause more damage. This means that it’s crucial to decide on the best treatment to heal your beam, so keep reading to learn about the pros and cons of root canals vs tooth extractions.
(more…)Why You Might Need a Root Canal Even If Your Tooth Doesn’t Hurt
February 10, 2023
In many cases, root canal therapy is necessary when you have a tooth that’s in constant pain. As such, you might assume that if your tooth doesn’t hurt, there’s no chance that you’ll need a root canal. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case; sometimes there might still be a problem with your tooth even if pain isn’t present. Here’s why a tooth that feels fine might still require root canal therapy.
(more…)Can I Receive Dental Sedation While Pregnant?
January 25, 2023
If you have trouble attending dental appointments due to fear or anxiety, issues sitting in the treatment chair for long periods, or medical or mental conditions, dental sedation may be a good fit for you. Sedation dentistry helps patients feel relaxed and at peace throughout their dental visits so that they can receive the treatment they need. But, if you are pregnant, is it still safe to undergo gentle sedation? Continue reading to learn if people can get dental sedation while pregnant.
(more…)How Much Does Scaling and Root Planing Cost?
November 4, 2022
There are situations where gum disease has progressed, and a dental cleaning alone will not be sufficient to treat it. In cases like this, a dentist may recommend scaling and root planing. It’s often necessary to remove disease-causing bacteria and allow the gums a chance to heal. If your dentist has mentioned this treatment, you may have questions about how much it will cost. To help you out, a dentist in Panama City explains why you need it, and which factors can affect scaling and root planing cost.
(more…)What to Expect After Implant Denture Surgery
October 5, 2022
If you have missing teeth that you need to replace, you might be wondering what your options are for replacing them. When it comes to replacing lost teeth, implant dentures are one of the best options available, as they’re able to effectively restore the look and functionality of your smile. However, you might have questions about the implant denture process, including specifics about the recovery period. Keep reading to learn more about how these implants work and what you can expect as you recuperate.
(more…)Helpful Tips for Flossing with Dental Implants
October 2, 2022
Dental implants are considered the gold standard for replacing missing teeth—this incredible solution is capable of restoring your lost pearly whites in terms of look, feel, and functionality. And better yet, they can last for virtually a lifetime with proper care. However, brushing your dental implants simply isn’t enough; you must also floss them diligently in order to preserve them! Here’s more about why flossing your dental implants in Panama City is so important along with some tips to help you out.
(more…)How to Eat a Healthy Soft Food Diet
September 15, 2022
Modern veneers and crowns are made of high-quality, durable materials that can withstand the pressure of biting and chewing. However, before you get your permanent restorations, you’re going to need temporary veneers or crowns to protect your teeth for a couple of weeks. They aren’t as strong as your final restorations, so your dentist will recommend sticking to softer foods. Not sure what to eat with temporary veneers in Panama City? Here’s how to maintain a healthy diet while ensuring your short-term restorations last.