What to Expect After a Root Canal

August 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 3:59 pm
A woman holding her jaw in pain.

By now, you’ve probably seen that old Hollywood trope about root canals. In fact, for some people that may be the only information you’ve ever actually heard about them. In some comedy bits, a character needs a root canal, and is in absolute agony following the procedure. Everyone laughs, but when it comes time to need one yourself, it can be nerve-wracking.

The good news is that despite the famous reputation, root canals are really not that bad. In fact, you usually feel much better after you have one. Here’s the real truth about them, and why you shouldn’t be afraid to get one!

What Are Root Canals?

Root canals are procedures done on an infected tooth, where your dentist opens up the tooth and removes the infected pulp and replaces it with a synthetic material. This not only clears out the infection, but it also keeps it from spreading and allows you to preserve the tooth instead of requiring an extraction. Once the synthetic material is inserted, the tooth is then sealed back up with a filling, and the procedure is complete.

What is Recovery Like?

Recovery from a root canal is not as bad as you may have thought. In fact, most people say that they feel intense relief after the procedure, not pain. You should not bite down on the tooth for a few days, and it may feel strange when you finally do, however you will get used to this feeling soon after and eventually you won’t notice a difference.

When you do eat, stick to soft foods and avoid chewing on the side of your mouth that was just treated. If you have been given any pain medication, follow the dosage instructions carefully. Be sure to take any antibiotics as prescribed as well. Follow the full course, do not stop after a few days even if you feel better. Any pain following the procedure should be much less than before it, and it should go away within a few days.

Going Forward

After your tooth has healed, be sure to stay on top of your oral health. Don’t skip dentist appointments, brush and floss regularly, and avoid eating a high sugar and carbohydrate diet. These steps will help you avoid needing another root canal in the future.

Remember, a root canal is nothing to be afraid of. This important procedure was designed to provide relief from painful tooth infections, all the while allowing you to preserve your tooth for as long as possible.

About Our Practice

At Baldwin Family Dental, our team of skilled dentists is trained to protect your oral health with compassion. We offer many solutions to help improve your smile while relieving you of pain or embarrassment. If you are suffering from a tooth infection, don’t delay in getting the treatment you need. Schedule an appointment for a root canal today by visiting our website or calling us at 850-215-0128.

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