What to Do if You Have a Dental Emergency in the USA

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 11:41 pm
Man in airport heading towards international departures

No one really expects to encounter a dental emergency, but somehow that possibility seems even farther away when we travel. Maybe we’re all more worried about our flight times. Regardless, if you’re visiting the US from another country, stopping by a dental office was probably not on your sight-seeing to-do list. Don’t worry – we’ll help you out. Just keep reading.

Emergency Dentistry in the US: Basics

What do we mean by “dental emergency”, and how does it work? Basically, we consider your dental troubles an emergency if they’re causing you extreme discomfort, concern, or inconvenience. Some of the most common dental emergencies include:

  • Toothaches
  • Chipped, cracked, or knocked-out teeth
  • Extreme dental sensitivity
  • Lost or broken dental fillings, crowns, or dentures
  • Dental injury
  • Swollen, inflamed, or bleeding gums
  • Jaw pain

To address these problems, Americans visit an “emergency dentist”. Many dental practices offer emergency dentistry as part of their services, which can make them an emergency dentist. Or, sometimes a practice will specialize in emergency dental care, only accepting patients who need vital assistance.

The Difference Between an Emergency Dentist and an Emergency Room

Even though they both have “emergency” in the name, emergency rooms (or ERs) in the US don’t usually have dental equipment or dental staff on hand. The “why” behind that is somewhat complicated. Just know that ERs are better for handling general health urgencies such as broken bones or severe allergic reactions. If something’s wrong with your teeth, an ER can alleviate any immediate pain, but will most likely direct you to a local dentist for long-term solutions.

How to Find an Emergency Dentist if You’re Not a Local

To contact an emergency dentist, all you need is their office’s phone number. You can always start with an internet search. You’ll find plenty of websites for nearby practices, including our very own Baldwin Family Dental. If you’d like to contact us right now, our number is 850-215-0128.

Otherwise, travel insurance providers can also give you a referral, and if you’re staying at a hotel, the concierge might be “in the know” about reliable emergency dentists. Don’t be afraid to ask people who are locals for more information!

What Will Happen After You Call an Emergency Dentist?

After you find and call and emergency dentist, tell them about your situation. Once they know more details, they can guide you through any necessary first aid and help you with immediate pain relief. Then they’ll see you in their office as soon as possible. An emergency dentist can also assist in making next-step arrangements for you, so don’t forget to mention that you’re a traveler. Knowing that you’re not a local will help them help you.

Trying to deal with medical discomfort overseas can be stressful and nerve-wracking. Just keep in mind that for dental emergencies, you only need to make one phone call. A dental professional will handle the rest from there.

About the Practice

Our team at Baldwin Family Dental is friendly and patient-centered. We know that dental emergencies can be stressful, especially if you’re visiting from abroad! We’ll make sure you feel welcome and comfortable, so that after getting the quality care you need, you can get right back to your schedule. Feel free to continue exploring our website for a full list of services. Remember that to contact our office, simply dial 850-215-0128.

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