Baldwin Family Dental Blog

Comfortable Care: Does Cosmetic Dentistry Hurt?

February 8, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 4:30 pm
Dentist holding veneer shade guide to woman's teeth

Are you frustrated by aesthetic flaws in your smile like stubborn stains, chips, cracks, or misshapen or mildly misaligned teeth? Many people develop anxiety worrying about how others might judge unsightly imperfections in their grins.

Your dentist offers several cosmetic services to upgrade your appearance and boost your self-esteem. However, you might avoid scheduling an appointment if you’re scared your elected treatment might hurt. Continue reading to learn why there’s no reason to be afraid!


Smile-Worthy Living: Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life

January 15, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 12:40 pm
A group of happy friends having fun outdoors

Since it’s now January, maybe you’ve begun working on your New Year’s resolutions. That’d be great news – such pursuits would let you start 2025 on the right foot! However, don’t forget to add a transformed smile to your list of goals; cosmetic dentistry can change your life! The right treatment will lead to better living over the next twelve months. As proof, consider these four lifestyle perks of modern cosmetic dental work.


Denture Dilemma: Why Should I Soak Them at Night?

December 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 8:00 pm
Complete set of dentures in glass of clear fluid on tiled countertop

Dentures are the tried-and-true solution for tooth loss and remain popular today because of their many advantages. These versatile prosthetics can restore your smile’s functionality and appearance regardless of how many teeth you’ve lost.

It’s natural to have questions about dentures when they’re new, like whether sleeping with them in your mouth is okay. While this might be acceptable occasionally, it’s not typically recommended. Continue reading to learn 4 reasons that soaking them overnight is a wiser choice!


5 Dangerous Myths About Dentures

November 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 3:57 pm
An AI image of a pair of dentures

Dentures have been around for centuries in some form or another. Today’s dentures are more comfortable, natural-looking, and useful than ever. But still, despite their many impressive features, there are a lot of misconceptions out there about them. Here are a few common myths and the real truth about these timeless prosthetics.


Slippery Smile? Here’s Why Your Denture Might Not Stay Put

October 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 1:47 am
Older patient holding their denture

If you’re having trouble with your denture shifting or not staying in place, you’re not the only one! Many people experience issues with their dentures, and it can be frustrating when they slip, especially while eating or during conversation. But before you reach for the denture adhesives, continue reading. You’ll find out that there are several reasons your dentures might feel loose and there are many solutions to fix the issue!


Root Canal Treatment: How Much Does It Cost?

September 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 12:56 pm
Woman sitting in dental chair and looking thoughtful

If your dentist is recommending a root canal treatment to save your tooth from an infection, you will want to have the procedure performed as soon as possible. However, you may have concerns about the cost. Exactly how much can you expect to pay for your root canal treatment? The answer isn’t set in stone, but your dentist is here to explain some of the factors that can influence the final price and ways you can make the procedure more affordable.


What to Expect After a Root Canal

August 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 3:59 pm
A woman holding her jaw in pain.

By now, you’ve probably seen that old Hollywood trope about root canals. In fact, for some people that may be the only information you’ve ever actually heard about them. In some comedy bits, a character needs a root canal, and is in absolute agony following the procedure. Everyone laughs, but when it comes time to need one yourself, it can be nerve-wracking.

The good news is that despite the famous reputation, root canals are really not that bad. In fact, you usually feel much better after you have one. Here’s the real truth about them, and why you shouldn’t be afraid to get one!


When Tooth Decay Comes Back: Why You May Need Root Canal Retreatment

July 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 10:31 pm
Illustration of infected tooth pulp

A dentist will perform a root canal to eliminate a dental infection at its source, relieve the miserable pain of a toothache, and save the treated tooth from extraction. While a single root canal is usually enough, some patients may need to receive another one in the same tooth if it fails to heal properly or if new infections develop. Here’s what you should know about root canal retreatment, including what makes it necessary, how your dentist will perform it, and a few tips for preventing the need for it.


What to Do if You Have a Dental Emergency in the USA

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 11:41 pm
Man in airport heading towards international departures

No one really expects to encounter a dental emergency, but somehow that possibility seems even farther away when we travel. Maybe we’re all more worried about our flight times. Regardless, if you’re visiting the US from another country, stopping by a dental office was probably not on your sight-seeing to-do list. Don’t worry – we’ll help you out. Just keep reading.


Will a Chipped Tooth Heal on Its Own?

May 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — baldwinfamily @ 11:05 pm
person with chipped tooth covering mouth

Breaking a tooth can occur due to various reasons, such as biting into hard objects or sustaining injuries during sports activities. Beyond the aesthetic concerns and impact on self-confidence, broken teeth can lead to oral health complications. Although the body has a natural ability to repair itself in some cases, you might be curious about whether a broken tooth can heal without immediate dental intervention. Keep reading to delve into the following to gain further insights into this matter.

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